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The annual Network Performing Arts Production Workshop (NPAPW) is the most important gathering of the international community.


The NPAPW is an annual conference hosted in a rotating city of Europe and the USA every other year. It is open to anyone and any institution interested in using interactive technologies in educational programs or performances.

The workshops are a collaborative project of GÉANT, Internet2 and several European National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), working together with cultural institutions around the world to organize these annual events.

NPAPW 2024

NPAPW 2013

In 2013, ACOnet and the mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts hosted the NPAPW in Vienna. The workshop was organized in cooperation with TERENA (meanwhile renamed in GÉANT) and Internet2, and was graciously supported by GARR, CESCA, New World Symphony, Texas Christian University, and many more.

On this occasion we started our production series with a concert and a dance performance titled "near in the distance".

Key Facts

  • ACOnet connection: 10 Gbps Ethernet over DWDM fiber
  • DVTS: Wide Project | Keio University | Tokio
  • LOLA: Conservatorio G. Tartini | Trieste
  • UltraGrid: CESNET | Brno
  • Conference XP: Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington
  • Polycom VCS (Music Mode): Polycom